What happens in the first trimester with a child. First trimester of pregnancy: what happens and how to behave

The first weeks of pregnancy are perhaps the most crucial stage. It was at this time that all the systems and organs of the baby are laid, and the mother's body is fundamentally rebuilt. Be careful and try not to do things from our list.

  1. Take a very hot shower or bath. The point, of course, is not in the water (it is just useful for pregnant women), but in its temperature. The expectant mother may have increased blood pressure and pulse, dizziness. In addition, heat often causes tics, and in the first trimester this is dangerous. No one is stopping you from taking nice warm baths!
  2. Drink painkillers. In the first trimester, ibuprofen and its derivatives are banned: it has been proven that they increase the risk of miscarriage and an open oval window in the child's heart. If you suffer from or other pain, consult a gynecologist: the doctor will tell you what medications you can take. In any case, it will not be superfluous to try self-massage and essential oils.
  3. Sunbathing for hours. Overheating is harmful for both mom and baby, and besides, under the influence of hormones, you can cover yourself. After a long exposure to the sun, the risk of dehydration is also high.
  4. Forget about vitamins. In the first trimester, they are especially needed - now all the baby's organs are actively formed. It is almost impossible to get the right amount of trace elements from food. If you find it difficult to swallow large capsules or the taste of vitamins causes a gag reflex, tell your doctor - he will select a different form of release.
  5. Long sit. At the initial stage, the volume of blood in the body almost doubles - this is a big load on the veins. And long sitting inevitably increases the risk of edema. Every two hours you need to get up and do a little exercise or just walk for 10-15 minutes.
  6. There are raw foods. Sushi, medium rare steaks, soft cheeses - all this is very tasty, but it is forbidden for pregnant women. These products may contain bacteria that are harmful to the unborn baby. Be patient: in nine months you will be able to enjoy your favorite dishes again.
  7. Work with paints. In the first trimester, the placenta has not yet formed - a reliable shelter for the baby from the outside world. That is why any chemicals are very dangerous for him. Try to use only natural cosmetics and resist the desire to paint the walls in the future nursery!
  8. Do extreme sports. Activity is very useful at any stage of pregnancy, but within reason. It is better to refuse skydiving or freediving. Yoga, walking, dancing are the ideal fitness in the first trimester.
  9. Abuse coffee. Doctors do not recommend that pregnant women drink more than one cup of an invigorating drink per day. Excess coffee threatens miscarriage and low fetal weight. For cheerfulness, you can drink tea with spices, ginger water or natural chicory.
  10. Starve and overeat. It is impossible to live on the same water and flower pollen when a baby is growing in you. However, ice cream and pickles are also not worth it. Try to eat healthy foods and watch your weight gain, but in no case try to artificially slow it down!
  11. Drinking alcohol. There is no evidence that any amount or type of alcohol is absolutely safe for pregnant women - even one glass of wine. Doctors advise expectant mothers to completely abstain from alcohol, as the consequences can be very serious - from underweight to brain damage in the baby.
  12. Clean up after the cat. Cat feces can be contaminated

From the moment of conception, rapid processes of restructuring and growth begin in the woman's body: having accepted the embryo, the uterus increases in size, its walls are covered with new types of tissues, the placenta is formed, which supplies the baby with nutrition and provides him with protection. A complex process is launched, aimed at suppressing the mechanisms of rejection, pregnancy makes changes to the work of all systems.

Start of pregnancy

Considering that in most cases the egg is ready for fertilization on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, and the viability of the sperm lasts up to 5 days, it can be assumed that the difference between the actual day of conception and the zero point marked in the exchange card can be from 10 up to 20 days. It turns out that the first two obstetric weeks refer to the period when conception has not yet occurred.

A characteristic sign of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation, before its expected onset, the sensations of a woman differ little from typical premenstrual conditions that pass without symptoms or are accompanied by slight malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands, etc.

Pregnancy is detected by an analysis of the content of the hCG hormone, which can be done at home using a pharmacy test. A recognizable level of the hormone appears 8-11 days after conception, which corresponds to 3-4 obstetric weeks. To confirm the analysis, you need to contact a medical institution.

The appearance of concomitant signs, as a rule, coincides with the period of delayed menstruation. A pregnant woman may experience nausea, breast tenderness, discoloration of the nipples and colostrum secretion, mood swings, sleep disturbances, decreased performance, slight (up to 37 ° C) fever, heartburn. A woman feels that she is pulling in the lower abdomen, there may be frequent urge to urinate.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother?

The first trimester kicks off a program of hormonal changes. The body of a pregnant woman adapts, accepting the embryo and reacting to its presence by restructuring the tissues of the uterus. The functional changes taking place during this period, which are associated with the preparation for gestation, manifest themselves with varying intensity at the physiological and psycho-emotional level.

In the 1st trimester, pregnancy hormones are produced and the concentration of already existing regulators changes. Such pressure on the endocrine system can provoke adverse reactions. For example, the production of progesterone, aimed at stopping the menstrual cycle and forming the vascular system of the uterus, leads to pressure surges, breast tenderness, and mood swings. The active substances produced in the adrenal glands prevent the rejection of the embryo, weakening the immune system, which leads to the formation of age spots, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, and depression.

The specific pregnancy hormone hCG stimulates hormonal changes and promotes accelerated cell renewal, which has a rejuvenating effect on a woman's body. The scientific picture of changes in the first three months of pregnancy is much more complex, but the main message is that the sensations of discomfort are natural and temporary, opening up the prospect of a normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

How does the baby develop?

A fertilized egg begins to divide while still in the fallopian tube. A few days after conception, it is fixed in the uterus, and the formation of the placenta begins there - a unique multi-layered organ through which the fetus will breathe and eat until childbirth.

Different types of cells form the simplest tubular or vesicular connections, the design of which becomes more complicated every day. At the 8th week, when all the human anatomical systems have already been formed, the embryo turns into a fetus. He already has a cardiovascular, digestive, central and autonomic nervous system, the rudiments of the sense organs, head and limbs are formed.

Modern technologies allow you to monitor the child in real mode, take photos and video. By the end of the trimester, the weight of the fetus is no more than 25 g, the height is no more than 9 cm, but it already has a human appearance.

Nutrition in the first trimester

Dietary correction of the diet is not obligatory for all pregnant women, it should be done only in cases where changes in the diet help to remove the painful symptoms associated with metabolism, for example, in case of digestive problems, the presence of a risk of beriberi, in cases where drug therapy is prescribed.

With the onset of pregnancy, there are more reasons to take into account the recommendations for a healthy and balanced diet, which relate to the frequency of meals, limiting foods high in sugar, salt and preservatives.

Often, the revision of the diet is due to a change in appetite and the appearance of cravings or aversion to certain foods. Increased appetite, which is caused by the activation of metabolic processes, will require dietary restrictions only if the risk of morbid obesity is established by a doctor. The dynamics of weight change is strictly individual, one should not succumb to far-fetched fears of extra pounds, most of which will go away at the same pace after childbirth.

Greater attention should be paid to decreased appetite, which may require supportive medications. A change in food preferences is a natural sign of pregnancy - the mechanism of instinctive nutrition begins to work, and gastronomic whims reflect the body's real need for certain substances. If persistent aversion is developed in relation to meat, milk, vegetables or other products important for a balanced diet, they need to find a replacement that is equivalent in terms of the content of useful components.

Taking medications and vitamins

The choice of vitamins, biologically active additives, and even more so drugs should not take place at the pharmacy counter, but in the doctor's office, who is familiar with the pregnant woman's history and indicators of her condition. In the first trimester may be assigned:

  • vitamin complex with macro- and microelements, designed specifically for the early stages;
  • monopreparations - folic acid, iron, calcium and others, depending on the characteristics of the diet of the pregnant woman and the results of laboratory tests;
  • Dietary supplements and vitamins to solve problems without medical intervention or to support the body in cases where drug therapy is unavoidable.

It is the responsibility of the woman to tell what medications she has been taking and to discuss a plan to stop or replace them with the doctor who will manage the pregnancy. The basis for the use of analgesics, antibiotics and other drugs should be a medical prescription. It is necessary to strictly adhere to dosages and use only high-quality pharmaceutical products. If there are doubts about the competence of the observing doctor, you can contact other specialists. Self-medication or neglect of appointments can lead to irreversible consequences.

Safe Behavior

Individual prohibitions and restrictions regarding lifestyle - regimen, diet, physical and emotional stress, external environment - can be imposed by doctors depending on the state of health and well-being of the pregnant patient.

Universal tips for early terms, which will protect against miscarriage and child pathologies:

  • do not smoke, do not use alcohol or energy drinks, drugs;
  • do not expose yourself to intense physical overload, do not lift weights;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • avoid hypothermia and infections;
  • eliminate stress factors and get enough sleep;
  • eliminate the risks of food poisoning and allergies;
  • avoid contact with toxins that may be contained in industrial premises, building materials, cosmetics.

Difficulties in the first trimester

The risk of losing a child keeps a pregnant woman in suspense throughout the first trimester. Preventive measures aimed at preventing miscarriage should not be underestimated, but an overestimated sense of responsibility is fraught with stress, which aggravates the situation and is dangerous for the baby. It is important to know that the vast majority of spontaneous abortions occur due to genetic, hormonal and somatic abnormalities that do not depend on the behavior and living conditions of the mother.

Toxicosis (morning sickness, heartburn, taste changes)

The term "toxicosis" means a complex of pathological reactions that occur in the process of hormonal adjustment, starting from the 5th obstetric week. Most often, this condition is manifested by nausea and vomiting, other symptoms are heartburn, indigestion, dizziness, changes in taste, increased uterine tone.

Toxicosis with varying intensity occurs in almost all pregnant women and disappears after the 1st trimester, when the formation of the placenta is completed, which takes over the specific metabolic processes associated with the growth of the fetus.

Mitigation of the symptoms of toxicosis, and above all vomiting, is important not only for good health, but also for the metabolism necessary for the normal development of the fetus. At the first painful manifestations, it is recommended:

  • do not overwork, devote time to proper sleep and rest;
  • more often to be in the fresh air and ventilate the premises;
  • remove the factors that provoke nausea - smells, food;
  • eat often and in small portions, refuse fatty and fried foods;
  • drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration;
  • find foods that relieve nausea.

Short-term nausea, heartburn, episodic vomiting 1-2 times a day are not considered a pathology if there is a tendency to decrease by the end of the trimester. The degree of pathological toxicosis is determined by the frequency of vomiting attacks:

  • up to 5 times a day - vomiting is provoked by unpleasant odors or food intake, with the correction of the diet and regimen, the symptoms soften;
  • up to 10 times a day - there is an average weight loss of 3 kg per week, an increase in heart rate is observed, acetone is excreted in the urine, the doctor prescribes medication;
  • more than 10 times a day - may even occur due to a simple motor activity, accompanied by an increase in heart rate up to 120, fever and other symptoms of deterioration in well-being, this condition requires immediate hospitalization.

The uterus is in good shape - the norm or pathology?

The degree of danger of increased tone (hypertonicity) of the uterus is established by a doctor who finds out why the pathology has arisen and takes comprehensive measures to eliminate its cause. Drug therapy to reduce smooth muscle tension is carried out adequately to the threat, taking into account the risk of developing congenital pathologies of the fetus.

Due to violations of the process of hormone production, structural pathologies of the reproductive organs, as well as as a result of inflammatory processes in genitourinary system at any time, an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy may occur, the 1st trimester is no exception. Uterine hypertonicity is also provoked by external factors - overwork, stress, poisoning or a viral disease.

Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen

If the lower abdomen hurts, periodically there is a feeling of heaviness or petrification, tingling in the lower back, it is necessary to correctly assess the degree of threat. The characteristic features of the norm in this case are:

  • absence of other pathological symptoms, such as bleeding, pain in the lumbar region, vomiting, or fever;
  • the lack of a clear localization and a decrease in pain after relaxation and taking a comfortable posture;
  • the occurrence of pulling pains while standing up or walking.

Discharge and bleeding

Bleeding along with severe cramping pain in the pelvic region are the main sign of spontaneous abortion. The following types of discharge may indicate a threat of miscarriage:

  • profuse bleeding, requiring a quick change of pads;
  • slight bleeding, accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen, lower back, shoulders, which indicate hypertonicity;
  • minor blood spots or blood clots that last for several days.

All these cases require immediate medical attention. An alarming signal of inflammatory processes can be discharge with a curdled texture, white, gray or brownish in color, which are accompanied by specific odors. The norm is:

  • unusually abundant clear or uniformly white discharge;
  • scanty spotting brownish or pale pink.

What conditions require medical attention and hospitalization?

An emergency call is required if:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • severe spasmodic pains that radiate to the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • acute localized abdominal pain.

Hospitalization during the first trimester is carried out in order to preserve the pregnancy, if there is a tone of the uterus with a threat of miscarriage, pathologies in the development of the placenta, severe forms of toxicosis. Inpatient treatment may also be needed for chronic or infectious diseases that can provoke a miscarriage. surgical intervention on early dates carried out only in conditions that are extremely dangerous to the health of the mother.

Pregnancy - important period in the life of every woman. Expectant mothers are undergoing serious changes, sensations are changing. This article will focus on the beginning of pregnancy - the first trimester. The main features of this period are considered in detail.

When does the first trimester start?

Pregnancy includes three main stages. During the first trimester, the organs of the unborn baby are formed. As a rule, it is in the first trimester that the first symptoms begin to appear - toxicosis, fatigue. This period is considered the most difficult - any tension and stress affects the formation of the fetus.

Important! The duration of the first trimester is twelve weeks. Gynecologists advise counting pregnancy three weeks after conception.

An interesting position can be accurately determined after the first month. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the state of health, the age of the woman and other factors.

The main sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. When it occurs, you should consult a gynecologist or purchase a special test at a pharmacy.

What changes occur during the first trimester?

There are objective (at gynecological examination) and subjective (general sensations) transformations. After the first month of pregnancy, the uterus enlarges. Outwardly, the changes are not very visible, they can only be determined during an ultrasound examination. In most cases, the belly grows after 4 months.

The main signs of the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • frequent urination - begins due to an increase in progesterone levels. The woman's body needs a large amount of fluid;
  • pain in the lumbar region - pain appears due to hormonal changes;
  • nausea - is a response to the formation of the fetus;
  • transformation of the mammary glands (change in shade and size, swelling, and others) - thus, the female body is prepared for carrying out breastfeeding;
  • problems with defecation - observed during the restructuring of the body;
  • discomfort in the chest area - appear due to an increase in the size of the uterus;
  • fatigue, insomnia or constant drowsiness - lack of vitamins and minerals.

What causes the onset of early toxicosis?

Nausea and vomiting are the main signs of pregnancy. Toxicosis is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. Nausea may appear as early as the first weeks and may continue until the third stage of pregnancy.

The formation of toxicosis depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. It occurs as a result of hormonal changes, is a response to the formation of the fetus in the womb. Over time, the body gets used to this state and nausea disappears.

What happens during fetal development?

The first trimester of pregnancy is determined by the development of the baby in the womb. At this time, the weight of the fetus increases slightly. Changes that occur during the formation of the fetus:

  • feet and hands are outlined;
  • formation of the cardiovascular system;
  • creation of genital organs - an ultrasound examination will help to find out the sex of the unborn child;
  • brain development;
  • formation of a swallowing reflex;
  • education internal organs(stomach, intestinal system);
  • definition of the main features of the face.

What to do with toxicosis?

  • drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day (net drinking water);
  • full sleep (at least 8 hours a day);
  • fractional nutrition;
  • lack of tension and stress;
  • increased blood sugar levels - eating fruits and other useful products nutrition;
  • listening to soothing music;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • proper nutrition - it is necessary to monitor the ratio of trace elements.

The daily diet should include the following ratio of useful elements:

  • proteins - 15%;
  • fats - 30%;
  • carbohydrates - at least 55%.

Proteins contribute to the creation of tissues in the body of the fetus. Carbohydrates are needed to provide energy, and fats are responsible for the formation of vision and the development of the brain of an unborn child.

What complications may appear?

The first trimester of pregnancy is a stressful period. During this time, certain problems may arise.


The main cause of the threat is hereditary diseases in the fetus. Thus, the woman's body tries to protect itself from an unwanted organism. Sometimes a miscarriage occurs due to the presence of various disorders:

  • chronic diseases;
  • abnormal structure of the genital organs;
  • abortions.

Important! If there is a threat of miscarriage (pain in the abdomen, the appearance of blood and other secretions from the genitals), you should immediately call a doctor.

reduced immunity

It begins the first time after the onset of pregnancy. Sometimes, due to a decrease in immunity, thrush can form. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the state of health. If symptoms appear, a specialist should be consulted.

Ectopic pregnancy

It occurs due to the problem of getting the embryo into the uterus. At the same time, it is fixed in the fallopian tube. In order to fix an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to identify the presence of pathology as early as possible. After determination, surgical intervention is performed - the embryo is removed along with the appendage.


Any disease negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother. A cold or other infection can lead to the formation of pathologies in the baby. At this time, you need to take drugs to fight the infection with extreme caution. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-treatment.

Why do secretions appear?

Sometimes, after the onset of conception, bloody discharge from the genitals may form. They are often mistaken for menstruation. The main difference is the term, they quickly disappear.

In the first months of pregnancy, there is abundant discharge of a transparent or milky hue. The main reason is an increase in the amount of progesterone. With the formation of secretions, unpleasant sensations and odors should not appear. In this case, you should consult a doctor for an examination.


This article describes in detail the features of the first trimester of pregnancy. The period is especially important - it is at this time that the organs and systems of the fetus are formed.

After pregnancy, you should review your diet, give up bad habits, spend more time outdoors, and avoid overexertion and stress.

It is recommended to have regular check-ups with a gynecologist. Constant supervision by a specialist is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and the development of the embryo. Compliance with certain requirements during pregnancy will help to endure and give birth to a healthy, strong baby.

The first trimester is the most responsible and very difficult pregnancy. It is now that the main organ systems are being formed in the child, and future mom just getting used to his new position. Why is the first trimester important?

The first period of pregnancy lasts 3 months or 13 weeks. During the first trimester of pregnancy however spotting may occur due to implantation. Because of this, many women are not even aware that they are pregnant. Also, thrush may appear in the 1st trimester of pregnancy - read how and how to treat it.

The first trimester is often accompanied by general malaise and. This is because the hormonal background is changing dramatically. A woman's breasts may swell a little, the areolas of the nipples may darken and others may appear. At this time Pregnancy doesn't show up externally..

In the first months, many women may feel mild pain in the pubic area. If it quickly recedes and does not cause severe inconvenience - do not worry, the body is being rebuilt. If the pain intensifies and does not recede for a long time, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this. Any in the first trimester is very dangerous.

The first obstetric week is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. At this time, the maturation of the egg occurs in the woman's body, which is accompanied by menstruation. The pregnancy itself has not yet occurred. During this period, it is necessary to eat right and pass all the necessary tests.

By the end of the second week, with the onset of the egg, it is fertilized by the sperm, after which it begins to move along the oviduct towards the uterus. The onset of ovulation can be tracked using regular measurements.

By the end of the week, the fertilized egg reaches the inner cavity of the uterus and attaches to its wall. At the time of attachment of the egg, a woman may experience spotting - implantation bleeding.

The egg becomes an embryo and is firmly fixed on the wall of the uterus, after which it begins to develop. At this time, the yolk sac begins to appear in the fetus. At this stage, the sensitive can already show a positive result. It is very important that in the first trimester the pregnant woman should avoid stress, walk more, and give up bad habits.

At this stage, the future man begins an active laying of body parts and organ systems, the circulatory system. The embryo is about the size of a grain of salt. By the end of the week, a tiny heart begins to beat. The woman notices.

Now the rudiments of eyes, ears, internal organs, spinal cord and brain begin to appear in the embryo, the umbilical cord is formed, lungs are formed. The length of the fetus reaches 1.5 mm.

The embryo increases in size by almost 2 times, and now its length is 3 mm. Now the limbs are beginning to form, the heart and eyes, the organs of the respiratory system continue to form. The kidneys and stomach begin to function, the mouth appears. At this time, many women find out about their pregnancy due to the manifestation of toxicosis.

The embryo grows up to 8 mm. His milk teeth begin to form, limbs continue to form. The brain, heart, intestines, esophagus, stomach develop. There are already cubes and a language. At this time, many women register with the antenatal clinic and take tests in the first trimester of pregnancy. The doctor prescribes blood donation for diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis. The blood group is also determined in future parents. They also do general and biochemical blood tests. Must submit general analysis urine (it should be done monthly) and fecal analysis. At a scheduled appointment, the gynecologist takes a swab from the vagina for possible infections.

The embryo reaches 10 mm. Now his face continues to form: eyes, tongue, lips, forehead, and a nasal fossa appears. The baby has its own blood. There is a sense of touch. At this time, the tail process disappears from the embryo. Mothers are often at this time at a loss, they begin to fear the difficulties associated with pregnancy and the appearance of a child.

The baby becomes like a tiny man, facial features appear. Neck, ears, nose, eyelids appear. He develops skin on the handles, the first milk teeth continue to develop. The embryo becomes a fetus. It is already 20 mm long.

The fruit grows up to 50 mm. His nails, muscles and genitals are formed, and the heart is already well auscultated by a special device - a stethoscope. The liver, pituitary gland, gallbladder, and nervous system function.

Fetal organ systems continue to develop. The child begins to react to sounds and bright light, the sense of touch improves. It is already 60 mm long. The woman is still suffering from toxicosis. It is very important to take in the first trimester if it is not possible to fully eat.

The fruit continues to develop intensively, it is already 70 mm in length. The child's eyes and eyelids continue to form, blood appears in the bones, and can yawn and smell. The kidneys and intestines work. At this time of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman does, at which you can consider the sex of the baby. Now the child can already move his limbs, clench and unclench his fists, open his mouth. A woman at this time increases her appetite due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Many women in the first weeks of pregnancy are worried about toxicosis. For that, to alleviate the condition during this period eat less, but often. Eliminate all junk food from the diet: smoked meats, salty foods, sweets (you can eat in limited quantities). Steam or boil meat and fish. Eat more vegetables, dairy products and fruits.

Ventilate the room periodically spend more time outdoors. In the first trimester, a woman should not exhaust herself with heavy physical activity. Be sure to drink special vitamins for pregnant women, as well as preparations that contain folic acid (it contributes to the proper development of the embryo).

Many couples are concerned about the question: is it possible to engage in pregnancy? Gynecologists say that in most cases there are no contraindications, but sometimes it is necessary to refrain from it:

  • at ;
  • if present (bloody, curdled or others);
  • with infectious diseases in parents (treatment of infections involves a temporary absence of sexual contact).

It is highly undesirable to take any medications, and not controlled intake of antibiotics during pregnancy in the 1st trimester can lead to sad consequences. Do not self-medicate!

First trimester video

We invite you to watch a video that tells everything about the first trimester of pregnancy.
