Anna Kuznetsova on the rights of the child biography. Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights

Anna Yuryevna Kuznetsova is the founder of many public and charitable organizations, a member of the Penza ONF. In September 2016, she was appointed to the post of commissioner for children's rights, replacing Pavel Astakhov in this position.

The early years of Anna Kuznetsova. Education

The hometown of Anna Kuznetsova (maiden name Bulaev) is Penza. Her mother was an engineer, her father was a builder. Anna Kuznetsova has a brother, Konstantin Bulaev. Until the tenth grade, the girl studied at the secondary school No. 72. Even at school, class teacher Anya noted her activity and predicted for her an administrative post in the city leadership. Having received a school certificate, Anna Yurievna entered the Pedagogical Lyceum No. 3.

In 2003, Anna Kuznetsova received her diploma with honors from the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky (Faculty of Psychology and Social Work, specialty "psychologist-teacher"). In 2005, she received a second higher education - theological.

Social activities of Anna Kuznetsova

In 2008, Anna founded a public organization called Blagovest and, with the help of the government of the Penza region, began to oversee the comprehensive anti-abortion demographic program Life is a Sacred Gift. During the program, activities were carried out aimed at reducing the number of abortions and protecting traditional family values. For the project "Life is a sacred gift" in 2012, Anna received the audience award and the award in the "Interaction" nomination from the hands of Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov at the III International Festival of Social Technologies "For Life".

Big interview with Anna Kuznetsova: main activities

Two years later, with her participation, the non-profit Foundation for the Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood "Pokrov" was created. At the beginning, the work of the organization consisted in the moral support of women, then an opportunity was found to provide assistance to needy families with food and medicine. The next step was the opening of a trust service, where anyone who needed help and kind participation could call.

Soon the Foundation opened a shelter for women who were left without a home. Also, the Fund's employees sought funds for the treatment of seriously ill children, provided assistance to children from dysfunctional families and families with low incomes. The staff also helped abandoned children find a new family. In 2016, the Foundation was awarded a presidential grant.

In the winter of 2011, with the support of Kuznetsova, the Trust Service for Pregnant Women was founded. This organization provided psychological and legal assistance to pregnant women who found themselves in a difficult life situation. As part of the trust service, assistance was also provided to low-income families.

In 2013-2014, Anna conducted online seminars, also dedicated to helping pregnant women in difficult life situations.

In 2014, Anna became a member of the Public Chamber of her native region. Soon, according to the results of her work, she was chosen as one of the leaders of the Penza branch of the All-Russian Popular Front. In the same year, she was offered the post of chairman of the regional division of the All-Russian public movement "Mothers of Russia". In the summer of the same year, Anna Yuryevna became the chairman of the commission for interfaith interaction and charity in the Public Chamber of her native city.

In 2015, Kuznetsova actively participated in the creation of the Association of Organizations for the Protection of the Family.

Personal life of Anna Kuznetsova

Anna met her husband, Alexei Kuznetsov, a specialist in information systems and technologies, in the church. At that time, Alexei had not yet taken the priesthood, but was a graduate student at the Penza State Technological University and a parishioner of the Penza Mitrofanov Church.

Subsequently, the man led services in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the village of Uvarovo, Issinsky district, Tambov region. After Anna was appointed to the post of ombudsman, the family decided to move to Moscow, since both the husband and wife believed that it was unacceptable to separate their large family. Together with her husband, Anna brings up two daughters, Maria and Daria, and four sons: Ivan, Nikolai, Timofey and Leo.

The new ombudsman has many friends, according to her, "very different and sincere", with whom she still maintains relations.

Anna devotes rare moments of rest to her family and children, as well as to her hobbies: the woman is fond of church floristry, creates flower arrangements to decorate the temple, likes to "mess around" with the earth, plant flowers.

Anna Kuznetsova now

At the end of May 2016, Anna won the preliminary voting of the United Russia party in the Penza region by a significant majority and became a member of the party's electoral list in the elections to the State Duma.
Public opinion on the appointment of Anna Kuznetsova to the post of children's ombudsman was divided. In particular, the fact that Anna is a supporter of telegony, an anti-scientific theory, according to which each sexual partner leaves a “genetic memory” in the cells of a woman, which negatively affects subsequent children, caused heated debate.

“One of the reasons for the trouble is a strained relationship with Mizulina”

Why conservative social activists took up arms against children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova

Anna Kuznetsova Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation

Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova turned out to be the object of criticism from an unexpected quarter. She, the wife of a priest and a supporter of traditional family values, is criticized not by liberals, but by conservatives themselves.

On Monday, a press conference of pro-Kremlin social activists who are dissatisfied with the work of the children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova is to be held at the Regnum press center.

The composition of the participants is heterogeneous, and mainly these are organizations and people who are considered to be conservative. Representatives of the Safe Internet League (a few years ago supported the idea of ​​Senator Elena Mizulina to put filters through providers that would block posts on social networks that contain swear words), Parental All-Russian Resistance (an anti-juvenile organization created by a scandalous political scientist Sergey Kurginyan, was one of the main lobbyists for the decriminalization of beatings in the family), the leader of the “Surrender a Pedophile” movement, the rector of the Church of the All-Merciful Savior in the former Sorrowful Monastery, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashchenko and others.

The planned press conference is not the first manifestation of criticism. The radically conservative TV channel Tsargrad TV, founded by businessman Konstantin Malofeev, releases one after another negative reports about Kuznetsova's activities, telling how more and more people are leaving the Public Council under the Children's Ombudsman. the site studied the history of the conflict between the children's ombudsman and the patriotic community.

A modest priest instead of a fashionable lawyer

"How did you swim?" - this question turned out to be fatal for the career of the former children's ombudsman, lawyer Pavel Astakhov, when in the summer of 2016, visiting children in the hospital who had almost drowned in the Karelian camp on Syamozero, he began a conversation with them under the cameras with such a strange question. Astakhov later explained that he did so after consulting with psychologists. Then, however, he urgently went on vacation, from which he did not return. On September 9, 2016, Anna Kuznetsova became the Children's Ombudsman instead of Astakhov.

Astakhov has been criticized by the public before. Prior to his appointment as Ombudsman, he was known as a fashionable lawyer whose family owns prestigious real estate in France. As an advocate for children's rights, he is remembered as an opponent of foreign adoption. In 2015, Astakhov supported the scandalous "Chechen wedding" of a 57-year-old head of one of the police departments and a 17-year-old girl. He not only supported, but also unsuccessfully spoke out: they say, there are nationalities where women “wrinkle” at the age of 27.

Petr Kassin/Kommersant

Scandals around Astakhov accumulated year after year. His supporters explained that behind the negative media background, his daily activities to protect underage Russians were not visible. However, the story of the tragedy at Syamozero was, apparently, the last straw.

Kuznetsova was unknown before her appointment at the federal level. She is considered the creature of the current speaker of the State Duma (then the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration) Vyacheslav Volodin. Initially, Kuznetsova gave the impression of "anti-Astakhov." The 35-year-old priest's wife from Penza, who heads the Pokrov Foundation for the prevention of abortion, and the mother of six children, won the United Russia primaries for the State Duma elections in 2016 and took fifth place in the regional group headed by Volodin. The place turned out to be a passing one, but Kuznetsova did not have to work in the State Duma - she was appointed children's ombudsman.

At first, the appointment drew criticism in the liberal camp. Doubts were expressed about whether the ultra-conservative views of the priest's wife would interfere with the protection of children in a secular state, whether the mother of many children would have enough time to fulfill her duties. Almost immediately, Kuznetsova gave rise to liberal claims by demanding that the Prosecutor General's Office check the exhibition of photographer Jock Sturges "Without Embarrassment", which was subsequently attacked by radical activists, including those from the SERB movement. Kuznetsova also supports the ban on abortion, supporting the position of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In the first months of her work, Kuznetsova formed a Public Council, the composition of which was rather controversial. On the one hand, it included a large number of representatives of near-Orthodox organizations, including ultra-conservative representatives of the priesthood (for example, Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov) and organizations like the All-Russian Parental Resistance. On the other hand, the Council included well-known public figures from really working charitable and volunteer organizations.

Conservatives vs Conservatives

In the following months, relations between Kuznetsova and the patriotic public began to deteriorate.

One of the first conflicts arose in the working group on the information security of children. Then Anna Levchenko, one of the members of this working group, left the Council. In her Facebook, she explained that the public and the children's ombudsman did not agree on the approach. Social activists insisted on working out specific cases, and the staff of the children's ombudsman's office insisted on the development of general principles and road maps. For example, the idea of ​​creating some kind of “social network charter” was discussed, by signing which they would undertake to block content dangerous for children, for example, pedophile groups or “death groups”. Patriotic public figures considered this approach ineffective.

Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation

Social activists working in the field of child protection say that Kuznetsova tried to put people close to her on the supervisory boards of the most influential organizations, but failed.

Finally, Kuznetsova had a serious conflict with radical anti-juvenile organizations. This conflict is covered in detail by Tsargrad TV.

In particular, Kuznetsova, referring to the data of the Prosecutor General's Office, said that there are not so many violations of the removal of children from families, these are isolated cases. In response, anti-juvenile parent organizations wrote a letter addressed to Vladimir Putin, demanding that attention be paid to Kuznetsova's activities.

“Public organizations from many regions of Russia conducted their own independent monitoring of the practice of removing children and interfering with the family on the basis of numerous requests from parents to the hotline, the results of which allow us to conclude that there are certain trends and systemic nature of this phenomenon in Russia. According to the public, the main reasons for taking away children today are: poor living conditions, lack of repairs, lack of furniture, lack of food, poverty, debts for housing and communal services, difficult life situation (loss of a job, fire, difficulties with housing, disability of parents, etc.) . Often, guardianship and guardianship authorities interfere in child-parent relationships, in the process of raising children. Standing on the side of children, they destroy parental authority, indulging children's permissiveness and impunity, ”Tsargrad-TV quotes this letter.

The other day there was a new reason to criticize Kuznetsova. She unsuccessfully spoke on the topic of the scandal with the detention by Moscow police of a 9-year-old child on the Arbat, who was reciting Shakespeare's Hamlet. Kuznetsova promised to understand the story, but noted that "the police are not animators." At the same time, a video of the very rude behavior of the police towards the boy was published on social networks, who was dragged into the police car by force, despite his screams.

Kuznetsova is also being sued for involving her relatives and friends, for example, her brother Konstantin Bulaev, and taking her Penza friend Anna Vertaeva, an employee of the Pokrov Foundation, as the head of the apparatus.

"Didn't build a relationship"

A website source close to the office of the children's ombudsman says that one of the reasons for Kuznetsova's troubles is strained relations with the influential Senator Elena Mizulina, who enjoys great authority with the same anti-juvenile organizations. Mizulin, together with Kurginyan's Parental All-Russian Resistance, is one of the main lobbyists for the decriminalization of family beatings. Mizulina also has good relations with the Safe Internet League.

Despite criticism of conservatives, experts call Kuznetsova an “adequate” official Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation

“The main problem is that Anna Kuznetsova has not been able to build a dialogue with the public throughout her work,” one of Kuznetsova’s opponents, who asked not to be named, told the site in an interview with the correspondent. - Why does Anna Yurievna do this? Because she doesn’t want to work on specific cases in principle, or, perhaps, because she simply doesn’t have qualified lawyers left in her office who know what to do with all this? Everyone fled, and she hires her brother and friends to work in the apparatus. It's all very, very sad."

Olga Letkova, a representative of the Association of Parents' Committees and Communities (one of the anti-juvenile organizations), told the site that she intends to complain to Kuznetsova about monitoring the situation with juvenile justice, as she forms working groups without taking into account public opinion.

However, it is not yet clear whether a public speech against Kuznetsova will take place. Late at night it became known that the press conference of the public may not take place. Radical patriotic organizations may abandon it early in the morning, as the Kremlin is unhappy with the resulting conflict.

Experts in the conflict between Kuznetsova and the conservatives take the side of Kuznetsova. The head of the Center for Political Analysis, Pavel Danilin, considers Kuznetsova an “adequate person” who approaches the matter with a soul.

“She has no serious mistakes, as Astakhov had. If anti-juvenile activists oppose her, it means that she works honestly, ”Danilin notes.

Political analyst Abbas Gallyamov says that the worst expectations from Kuznetsova have not been confirmed, although there are no breakthroughs in sight either. “She didn’t get into scandals, she didn’t give gifts to critics and ill-wishers, which is already a plus, given the negative expectations of part of the public. It didn’t become odious,” Konstantin Kalachev, head of the Political Expert Group, agrees with him.

Political scientist Mikhail Zakharov believes that Kuznetsova's clash with radical social activists is an indicator of her adequacy, and not vice versa.

“Kuznetsova is a wonderful person, a wonderful mother. However, in itself, her post is meaningless, because she has very few levers and, as it seems to me, the children's ombudsman does not have serious opportunities to protect children. For six months, she could not seriously rebuild anything, unfortunately. However, her clash with radical organizations speaks rather in her favor, ”he notes.

Anna Kuznetsova, who replaced Pavel Astakhov as children's ombudsman, is 34 years old. She was born in Penza, where she received her secondary and higher education (2003 - diploma with honors from the Penza Pedagogical Institute, majoring in psychology).

Married to priest Alexei Kuznetsov since 2003. They have six children, the last one is 10 months old. The parish of the spouse of the new ombudsman is located in the village of Uvarovo, Issinsky district, Penza region, at the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

The most important

Until recently, she led the Penza executive committee of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF). Now he heads the Pokrov Charitable Foundation (helping seriously ill children, supporting those in need, promoting the adoption of orphans). This year, the Pokrov Foundation has become one of the operators for the distribution of presidential grants in the amount of 420 million rubles. Under the Pokrov Foundation, he holds a regional competition among antenatal clinics “In Defense of Life”. This work preserved "about two hundred children whose mothers initially made the decision to have an abortion," according to the foundation's profile.

Kuznetsova is known as a tough and consistent opponent of abortion. During speeches at the International Christmas Readings in Moscow in 2013, she even considered it desirable that the leaders of the consultations “come out with anti-abortion posters.” In 2009, the article "Abortion: an evolutionary catastrophe" was published on the Penza Medical Portal, which cited Kuznetsova's statement that, according to the "relatively new science of telegony", "uterine cells have information-wave memory." According to Kuznetsova, “if a woman had several partners, then there is a high probability of having a weakened child due to mixing information. This fact has a special impact on the moral basis of the unborn child. Note that the concept of telegony existed in the 19th century and is completely rejected by modern science.

Astakhov on his Instagram congratulated Kuznetsova on her appointment and wished her God's help. “Anna Kuznetsova has been appointed Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President. This is a very worthy person and a very wise choice of the president. I heartily congratulate Anna Yuryevna and wish her God's help in this difficult field! he wrote. Her appointment was also welcomed by Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa), a member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC), Director of the Fair Aid Foundation.

Photo gallery

An interlocutor in the Public Chamber told Vedomosti that four candidates were considered for the position of children's ombudsman, including Elizaveta Glinka herself, actress and co-founder of the Give Life foundation Chulpan Khamatova, and Elena Alshanskaya, head of the Volunteers to Help Orphans Foundation, but the president chose Anna Kuznetsova: "This is a fairly obvious candidate, quite accurately falling into the image and set of competencies required for the commissioner for children's rights."

Political scientist Yevgeny Minchenko believes that "Kuznetsova has little chance of being liked by the capital's liberal beau monde." “From the provinces, ONF, six children, they say that she is married to a priest. That is, traditional values ​​as they are. And for Putin's majority - the most it. Well, the experience of working with children, work in a charitable foundation, a successful performance at the primaries of United Russia speaks in favor of a new children's ombudsman,” he says.

Political scientist Konstantin Kalachev says that "the photographs show how Kuznetsova impresses the first persons." “She has those qualities that appeal to high leadership: smart, charismatic, at the same time modest, loyal, patriotic, socially active. At the same time, her social activity does not go beyond when it is perceived as a challenge, it is absolutely systemic - the ONF, the Pokrov Foundation, participation in the United Russia primaries.

Kalachev believes that she will be able to find a common language “with both the patriotic and the liberal public”: “Someone will say about breaking the pattern - the wife of a priest, someone may say that six children can interfere with fulfilling duties. The only thing that the liberal community can blame her for is her relationship with the ONF and United Russia, but there is no other way to make a career these days.”

Alexey Kuznetsov: “There are no bans in the Russian Orthodox Church for a position in the state structure for mother”

On Friday, the name of Pavel Astakhov's successor was announced. 34-year-old Anna Kuznetsova has become the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Russian Federation. The biography of the woman is interesting - a native of Penza, married to a priest, raising six children, doing charity work.

We contacted the spouse of the new ombudsman, priest Alexei Kuznetsov.

Father Alexey serves in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the village of Uvarovo, in the Issinsky district of the Penza region.

It is known that Anna Kuznetsova graduated from school in Penza, where she received a diploma in psychology. Six years ago, she created a foundation to support families, motherhood and childhood, and in 2015, the Association of Organizations for the Protection of the Family.

Anna's husband, Father Alexei, agreed to comment on the appointment of his wife to a high position for MK.

- Did Anna make the decision to take the post of ombudsman herself?

We made the decision together.

- Did you immediately agree?

Long thought. To be honest, this proposal came as a complete surprise to us. Until the last moment, no one knew exactly what exactly Anna would be offered for this post. The decision was made by the President himself. Personally.

- When did Anna receive a proposal for her possible appointment?

The proposal came in the summer. Then the search for candidates for the position began.

Why did the President choose her?

I think there was a very serious selection of candidates. Serious work was carried out in the Presidential Administration in this direction. It was required that a person satisfy many criteria.

- Does your family live in Penza?

- So, in the near future you will have to change your place of residence?

Yes, most likely it will.

- Did Pavel Astakhov give Anna valuable instructions before leaving the office?

Astakhov is not familiar with Anna.

- As I understand it, he personally did not congratulate her on her appointment either?

Why didn't you congratulate? Through the media, he congratulated her.

- Anna will now occupy the same office where her predecessor was sitting? Astakhov?

As for the cabinets, I don’t know, and it’s not about them. In my opinion, the position of the commissioner does not involve sitting in offices.
